1. Building the PixelPi Board

1.1. Components

The PixelPi consists of the following components:

  • Four 4.7k Resistors (R1. R2. R3, R4)
  • Four screw terminal blocks (Strip1, Strip2, Strip3, Strip4)
  • One 1N5817 Schottky Rectifier (D1)
  • One 2.1mm barrel jack (PWR1)
  • Two 1pF capacitors (C2, C3)
  • One 470uF capacitor (C1)
  • One button (SW1)
  • One 2x40 pin header (J1)
  • Optional GPIO Pin breakout pins (J2)
  • One PixelPi PCB
The PixelPi Components!

1.2. Soldering Order

The order you solder the board together does not matter, but doing it in the following order will make it easier.

1.2.1. The PCB

View the PCB from the top and locate the positions of each component.

The PixelPi PCB

1.2.2. Resistors (R1. R2. R3, R4)

The resistors can be soldered either way round, but they look better if they are all the same way round.

Location of the resistors

1.2.3. Schottky Rectifier

The rectifier (diode) has to be soldered the correct way around. Locate the white band on one end of the diode and line it up with the white line on the location D1.

The Schottky Rectifier

1.2.4. The IC Chip

The PixelPi PCB

1.2.5. Button

The button will only fit one way around at location SW1.

The Button

1.2.7. Screw Terminals

Connect two pairs of terminals together by sliding the edges together, then solder them onto the board with screw terminal access holes towards the front of the board.

The terminals The terminals

1.2.9. The Barrel Jack

The last component on the top of the PCB is the barrel jack. This can only fit in one way, with the hole of the barrel pointing away from the board.

note:Only use a 5v power supply with the PixelPi board. Anything higher will kill your Raspberry Pi as well as your LEDs.
The Barrel Jack
Note:If you have one of the alpha boards, you will need to solder two pins together due to a small design issue.
Alpha board modifications

1.2.10. Raspberry Pi Header

The Raspberry Pi header should be mounted on the underside of the PCB, soldered from the top.

The Raspberry Pi header

1.2.11. (Optional) Breakout Headers

If you plan to use any of the breakout pins, you may solder header pins in place.

The optional breakout area